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Getting Started

The FIRST FIVE THINGS you should do in the city

Get a job

Postal: 8155

Rent a car

Postal: 8154

Go to the bank

Postal: 8170

Buy food

Postal: 8140

Get a Phone

You can buy it at the same place as 4

Postal: 8043

  1. Get a Job
  2. Rent a Car
  3. Go to the Bank
  4. Buy Food
  5. Buy a Phone

1. Get a Job

1.1 Welcome to the job Center

When you “Fly in” for the first time, you arrive at the Job Center. How convenient!

Walk 20 feet to the front circle to see the Jobs list.

1.2. Pick a Job

1.3. Go on duty

  1. See the corresponding marker on the GPS Map. Flex “P” or “ESC” muscle.

To learn more about the Jobs click here

2. Rent a Car

2.1. Sign out a vehicle

2.2. Return it

IMPORTANT NOTE: Depending on when  you return it, you may get some of your money back! 🙂

3. Go to the Bank

Did you know that you have $5,000 in the bank the moment you fly in for the first time?

At the bank, do these two things:

  1. Withdraw some cash
  2. Set up your PIN

NOTE: You have to have a PIN before using an ATM

3.1. Withdraw Cash

  1. Use 3rd Eye (left alt) at the bank counter


3.2. Set/change PIN

If you haven’t already — Use 3rd Eye (left alt) at the bank counter

Now that you have a PIN, you can use any ATM around the city

4. Buy Food

Go to the 24/7 Supermarket. They are marked on the map with a green building. When you go inside, walk to the cash register.

  1. See the items you can purchase.
  2. Then from the shop menu, drag the item from the menu to your pocket (inventory)

NOTE: Shop purchases require Cash.

We recommend that you buy at least 20+ each bread and water. This will be enough for an hour or two – until you make your way to a restaurant to buy hearty food. Check Squawk for open restaurants where you can buy hearty food.

TIP: Watch your hydration and hunger indicators. To use your food and drink, open your pocket “F2” and drag the food or water on top of the USE button. When you do that, within a few seconds you’ll see those indicators fill up a bit.

5. Buy a Phone

This is how you’ll communicate with people around the city.

  1. At the same 24/7 store, 


  1. You can access your phone by flexing your “F1” muscle.
  2. In the case that you need a radio, you can buy one at the 24/7 store.

6. Bonus Tip!

Want to know what services are currently available?  – Flex “F10” muscle and see the Scoreboard pop up in your eyes. 

Among other things about you, it will show you how many Police, EMS, and Mechanics are on duty. 🙂

Now, get a driver’s license, start working, and meet people!